Occupied Crimea and Donbas in View of Vectors of Ukraine’s Regional and Global Integration

“Post-2014 Ukraine: occupied territories of Crimea and Donbas in view of vectors of Ukraine’s regional and global integration”. Presentation delivered by Natalya Belitser at the Workshop “Post-Soviet Spaces: Conflagrations and Integrations”, held by Rutgers Center for European Studies on 23 February 2021. (PDF) Natalya Belitser

Security Challenges Caused by the Belarus Crisis

Presentation delivered by Maksym Khylko at the International Round-table “Security Challenges in the Black Sea Region and Beyond”, held by the New Strategy Center and CACDS on 25 January 2021. Possible strengthening of the Russian military presence in Belarus and the corresponding security challenges for the region, as well as options for the West’s actions are considered. (PDF) Maksym Khylko

Rethinking the De-Occupation Policy of Ukraine

Summary of the research findings “Rethinking the de-occupation policy of Ukraine in the framework of Russia’s hybrid war against Ukraine”. The goal of this study is to outline the views of the interested actors on the de-occupation process, to analyze the motives and interests of Ukraine, Russia, and other international players; to study relevant cases of de-occupation, to analyze previous analytical findings on this issue and offer recommendations for a new policy of de-occupation of the Ukrainian territories occupied by Russia. (PDF)

We Still Need a More Realistic Approach to the Issue of Donbas De-occupation

Russia will be forced to withdraw from the occupied territories when it is convinced that it’s no longer possible to return Ukraine to its sphere of influence, and that further occupation of the Ukrainian territories is futile and unjustifiably expensive. Ukraine’s task is to bring this moment closer by strengthening own independence, sovereignty and resilience through reforms. (PDF) Maksym Khylko

Belarus: National Security and Defence (August 2020)

The existing system of power in Belarus does not meet the expectations of the society, but the regime is not showing readiness for transformation. This means that the conflict with varying degrees of intensity will continue until the complete dismantle of the ruling regime. (PDF) Andrei Porotnikov

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