NATO’s Support to Ukraine: Brief Guide 2020

Facts and infographic on NATO’s support to Ukraine, including those under the decisions of the Wales, Warsaw and Brussels summits, the Comprehensive Assistance Package for Ukraine, NATO’s Programmes and Trust Funds. Prepared by the East European Security Research Initiative Foundation with support of the NATO Information and Documentation Centre in Ukraine. Kyiv, 2020. (PDF)

Допомога НАТО Україні: стислий огляд 2020

Факти та інфографіка щодо допомоги, яку НАТО надає Україні, у т.ч. за рішеннями Уельського, Варшавського та Брюссельського самітів, в рамках Комплексної програми допомоги Україні, діяльності цільових фондів і програм НАТО. Видання підготовлено Фондом «Ініціатива з дослідження східноєвропейської безпеки» за сприяння та фінансової підтримки Центру інформації та документації НАТО в Україні. Київ, 2020. (PDF)

Information Sovereignty of Belarus

The issue of information sovereignty has never been – and will not be – an exclusive matter of government and state authorities. Information sovereignty is impossible without private sovereignty, without the ‘self’ of citizens themselves and public participation in maintaining the stability of their own state. So, it always balances between national security and freedom. (PDF) Joseph Sawitsky

The Need for Information Sovereignty

As the world embraces braces itself for the rapidly descending economic hit to come, a review and reinforcement of media structures cannot be overlooked. Only resilient business models and a healthy public sphere will maintain information sovereignty for democracies. (PDF) Wojciech Przybylski

Transnistrian Lessons for Ukraine

Coming back to the protracted Transnistrian conflict and yet unsuccessful attempts to settle it and reintegrate Transnistrian region into the Republic of Moldova, those developments (or, rather, stagnation) provide important lessons for Ukraine, in particular, revealing the traps and threats that should be recognised in order to be avoided. (PDF) Natalya Belitser

Belarus: National Security and Defence (December 2019)

Belarus adopted the new State Defence Plan and the Concept for the Development of the Armed Forces until 2030. Tensions with Russia over oil supplies to Belarus and other issues continue. (PDF) Andrei Porotnikov

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