Capacities and limitations of the Normandy format

thumbnail of 2015-04 Capacities and limitations of Normandy format C-ENG

Every new meeting of the Normandy four causes debates on the efficiency and impartiality of this format, given that previously Germany and France were considered to be the most loyal towards Russia among the EU and NATO member states. Now Berlin and Paris are the key mediators in Russia-Ukraine conflict. (PDF) Maksym Khylko

Security and Defense Sector Reform in Ukraine

This food-for-thought paper was distributed on behalf of the EESRI Coordinators among the participants of the OSCE-wide Conference on Security Sector Governance and Reform held in Belgrade (Republic of Serbia) on April 21, 2015. (PDF) EESRI Board of Coordinators

Strengthening the OSCE Special Monitoring Mission to Ukraine: a way to peacekeeping?

Given the current developments, a general tendency could be revealed for more active use of the potential of the OSCE Special Monitoring Mission to Ukraine for maintaining peace and security in Eastern Ukraine with gradual transformation into a kind of peacekeeping mission, albeit not formally recognized one. (PDF) Oleksandr Tytarchuk

“A fresh look” from Ukraine at German Foreign Policy Priorities

In this particular article, additional attempts have been made to briefly analyze the priorities of modern German foreign policy from the standpoint of Ukraine as a country representing the most recently troubled Eastern Partnership area. (PDF) Oleksandr Tytarchuk, Kyiv

Russia’s withdrawal from the CFE Treaty: Consequences for the East European security

At the request of the East European Security Research Initiative, a selection of experts from Georgia, Latvia, Moldova, Slovakia and Ukraine commented on Russia’s withdrawal from the CFE Treaty and its consequences for the East European security. (PDF) Marek Lenč, Alexandru Postica, Kornely Kakachia, Samuel Goda, Raimonds Rublovskis, Oleksandr Tytarchuk

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