Russia-Georgia relations – possible threats and challenges of the “normalization” process

This article explores current Georgia’s rapprochement with Russia known as the “normalization” process and analyzes political risks of the existing Georgian economic strategy against the increasing role of the Russian market. (PDF) Kornely Kakachia, Levan Kakhishvili, Salome Minesashvili, Tbilisi

Can the EU army strengthen security in the Eastern Europe?

At the request of the East European Security Research Initiative, a selection of experts from Georgia, Latvia, Moldova, Slovakia and Ukraine commented on the prospects of the EU army creation, as proposed by the European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker, in terms of national interests and security of the East European countries. (PDF) Raimonds Rublovskis, Oleksandr Tytarchuk, Kornely Kakachia, Alexandru Postica, Samuel Goda, Maksym Khylko, Marek Lenč

Eastern Partnership Reality Check. The case of Moldova and Georgia

Following the latest dynamic events, this article explores the European perspectives of Moldova and Georgia – countries which, so far, progress the most since the Eastern Partnership platform has been introduced. (PDF) Kristina Bocková, Marek Lenč, Slovakia

The Ukraine Crisis: Repercussions on Georgia

With a tradition of friendly and strategic relations between Tbilisi and Kyiv, Georgians see the struggle for Ukrainian sovereignty as an analogue of their own fate. This article provides some insights and policy perspective from Georgia on the ongoing crisis in Ukraine and its impact on Georgian foreign policy and internal stability. (PDF) Kornely Kakachia, Tbilisi

Role of the OSCE in handling crisis in Ukraine: Moscow’s vision

The Russian Federation continues to use intensively the OSCE potential in order to achieve its goals in Ukraine. Available OSCE experience, gained in doing its “business as usual” crisis management activity mainly oriented at “freezing” conflicts, meets the strategic intentions of the Kremlin. (PDF) Oleksandr Tytarchuk  

Draft National Security Strategy of Ukraine: an initial overview

The new draft National Security Strategy of Ukraine reflects the general trend of uncertainty in the search for effective ways to strengthen national security on the backdrop of current crisis and needs further elaboration. (PDF) Oleksandr Tytarchuk    

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