Political Crisis, Disinformation and Demand for Constitutional Reform in Armenia: Survey Results

Within the period from March 11 to April 5, 2021, the Analytical Center on Globalization and Regional Cooperation (ACGRC, Armenia) conducted a survey among the internet users aiming to find out the public attitude on the following three main issues: (a) the domestic political crisis in Armenia and the options for its possible overcoming; (b) the level of the spread of disinformation and the main reason for its spread; (c) the level of demand for constitutional reforms. (PDF) ACGRC

Impact of Russian Military Presence on Human Rights Situation in Armenia, Moldova, and Ukraine – Report

Impact of the Russian military presence on human rights situation: cases of Armenia, Moldova, and Ukraine. (PDF) Artur Sakunts, Armine Sadikyan, Ion Manole, Alex Postica, Maksym Khylko, Oleksandr Tytarchuk

Findings of Mass Media Monitoring in Armenia: Detecting Propaganda (Second Monitoring)

Analytical Center for Globalization and Regional Cooperation (ACGRC) within the scope of Second Cycle: Measuring the public views regarding International organizations and Monitoring of Media in Armenia on Disinformation and ‘Fake News’ project conducted monitoring of selected Russian and Armenian mass-media in order to identify propaganda and consider the influence of Russian media on Armenian media. (PDF)

Attitude of the Armenian Society to International Organizations, the EU, EEU, CSTO, and NATO – Opinion Poll

Results and analysis of the opinion poll on the attitude of Armenian society to international organizations, the EU, EEU, CSTO, and NATO. Conducted by the Analytical Centre on Globalisation and Regional Cooperation (ACGRC) in 2018. (PDF)

Eastern Partnership: Progress in Turbulent Times

Speech delivered by Dr. Maksym Khylko at the international conference “The Future of the Eastern Partnership in Turbulent Times”, organized by the Analytical Centre on Globalization and Regional Cooperation with support of the Friedrich Naumann Foundation for Freedom, Yerevan, 14 June 2018. (PDF) Maksym Khylko

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