Безпека людини в контексті реформування безпекового сектору країн Східної Європи

«Питання безпеки людини в контексті реформування безпекового сектору країн Східної Європи» Міжнародний круглий стіл, м. Київ, 8 червня 2017 р.   Міжнародний круглий стіл «Питання безпеки людини в контексті реформування безпекового сектору країн Східної Європи» було проведено 8 червня 2017 р. у м. Києві Благодійним Фондом «Ініціатива з дослідження східноєвропейської безпеки» у партнерстві із Представництвом Фонду ім. Фрідріха Еберта в Україні.

Armenia-Iran vs. Azerbaijan-Israel: Where is Russia?

The South Caucasus region has been seeing polarization as Armenia-Iran vs. Azerbaijan-Israel. The visits by Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu to Baku, Azerbaijan, and Iranian President Hassan Rouhani to Yerevan, Armenia in December, 2016 are indicative of the polarization. Where is Russia, the elephant in the room? What are the implications of the polarization for Russia? (PDF) Rahim Rahimov

Dodon’s visit to Transnistria: Russian-Backed Model for Protracted Conflicts Settlement?

It is highly unlikely that Russia will allow Transnistria again back into Moldova even if the latter accepts closer cooperation with Russia and/or integration with Russia-led organizations. However, Dodon’s policy towards Transnistria could be considered in Moscow as a favourable model for other protracted conflicts settlement. (PDF) Rusif Huseynov

Armenia and Russia Pursue Joint Military Forces

The Russo-Armenian agreement on establishing a joint military unit, which will include troops of the 102nd Russian military base stationed near Yerevan as well as the 4th Corps of the Armenian Army, predictably caused anxiety in Azerbaijan and Georgia. While a potential deterioration of relations with Georgia would undermine Armenia’s national interests, the government in Yerevan appears willing to make this sacrifice in the name of regime reproduction and survival. (PDF) Armen Grigoryan

The ‘Four-Day War’ of April 2016 is Considered as an Important Victory in Azerbaijan

Territorial gains, military and moral victory should bring Azerbaijan additional advantages on the negotiation table, Azerbaijani experts and ordinary people think. How the April clash will influence the future Karabakh talks and to what extent Azerbaijani diplomats will be able to utilize its benefits are open questions. (PDF) Rusif Huseynov

Human Security Dimension across the Frozen Conflicts in the Post-Soviet Space

An analysis of the serious problems arising from the so-called frozen conflicts in the post-soviet region forms the basis of this policy paper with particular reference to human security in South Ossetia, Abkhazia, Nagorno-Karabakh and Transnistria. Despite many similarities among them, the entities are not entirely homogeneous and since the conflicts vary in severity and scope, an individualized approach is required in the provision of much needed human security in each. (PDF) Grazvydas Jasutis

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