Threats to Security of Ukraine and other EaP Countries, and Possible Responses: Expert Survey

Summarized findings of the international expert survey “Threats to security of Ukraine and other countries of the Eastern Partnership region and possible responses.” 62 experts assessed the major threats to the EaP region and possible security options, expressed expectations from the EU, NATO, and the OSCE, as well as provided opinions on possible developments in the Donbas and Crimea. (PDF)

Загрози безпеці України та інших країн регіону Східного партнерства й можливі відповіді на них

Представлено узагальнені результати міжнародного експертного опитування «Загрози безпеці України та інших країн регіону Східного партнерства й можливі відповіді на них». 62 експерти оцінили найбільш актуальні загрози в регіоні, можливі опції посилення безпеки, висловили свої очікування від ЄС, НАТО й ОБСЄ, а також прогнози щодо перспектив розвитку ситуації на Донбасі та в Криму. (PDF)

Security Options for the Eastern Europe

Presentation of statement delivered by Dr. Olena Khylko, Associate Professor, the Institute of International Relations, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, at the Eastern Europe Initiatives Congress, discussion panel “Grey security zone in Eastern Europe”, held on September 25, 2017, in Lublin, Poland. (PDF) Olena Khylko

EU-Armenia Agreement on Visas Issuance Facilitation: Third Monitoring Report

Analytical Centre on Globalization and Regional Cooperation (ACGRC) with support of the Open Society Foundations-Armenia published the 3rd National Monitoring Report of the Agreement between the European Union and the Republic of Armenia on the Facilitation of the Issuance of Visas. (PDF) Stepan Grigoryan, Nikolay Israyelyan

The EU and Conflict Mitigation in the European Neighborhood

There were six territorial disputes among the EU’s neighbors when the European Neighborhood Policy was launched 12 years ago. None of these has been resolved, and both the Eastern and the Southern neighbors are more unstable and insecure today than they were when the Policy was launched. This article analyses the ENP as a framework for EU involvement in conflict prevention, management and resolution. (PDF) Zuzana Novakova, Roman Petrov

Ukraine in Crisis: The Economic and Security Consequences for European Union, Ukraine and Russia

EU has to find a way to effectively engage with Russia, facilitate Ukraine’s progressive reforms, prepare for long lasting political and financial commitment to Ukraine and at the same time strictly demand fulfilment of the agreement reached in Minsk. (PDF) Marek Lenč, Martin Kudrec

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