Hybrid War: Ukraine´s Case

Presentation of the public lecture “Hybrid War: Ukraine`s Case” delivered by Dr. Maksym Khylko at the Faculty of International Relations of the University of Economics in Bratislava, Slovakia, on 13 March 2018. The lecture was focused on the applied aspects of modern hybrid warfare, based on experience of Russian hybrid war against Ukraine. (PDF) Maksym Khylko

Ukraine Risks Map 2017

Assessment of the Risks Environment for Doing Business in Ukraine. Presentation of statement delivered by Maksym Khylko and Oleksandr Tytarchuk at the OSAC Ukraine Country Council Q1 2017 Meeting “Integrating Resilience into Business and National Strategies”, held in Kyiv, on March 1, 2017. (PDF) Maksym Khylko, Oleksandr Tytarchuk

Ukraine in Crisis: The Economic and Security Consequences for European Union, Ukraine and Russia

EU has to find a way to effectively engage with Russia, facilitate Ukraine’s progressive reforms, prepare for long lasting political and financial commitment to Ukraine and at the same time strictly demand fulfilment of the agreement reached in Minsk. (PDF) Marek Lenč, Martin Kudrec

Belarus: Situation In the Field of National Security and Defense as of April 2016

thumbnail of 2016-05 Belarus Security and Defense April 2016 PB-ENG

The House of Representatives adopted a new military doctrine of Belarus in the first reading. It is stated that the document is based on the systematic analysis of the military and political situation, the concept of “color revolutions” and the mechanisms of changing the constitutional system, violation of territorial integrity of states by provoking internal armed conflicts. (PDF) Andrei Porotnikov

Положение в области национальной безопасности и обороны Беларуси: апрель 2016 г.

thumbnail of 2016-05 Belarus Security and Defense April 2016 PB-RUS

Палатой представителей в первом чтении принята новая Военная доктрина Беларуси. Заявляется, что документ базируется на основании системного анализа военно-политической обстановки, концепции «цветных революций» и механизмов по изменению конституционного строя, нарушения территориальной целостности государств путем провоцирования внутренних вооруженных конфликтов. (PDF) Андрей Поротников, руководитель аналитического проекта Belarus Security Blog.

Belarus: Situation In the Field of National Security and Defense as of March 2016

The most significant event of March was a visit to Minsk of the Pentagon delegation headed by the U.S. Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense Michael Carpenter, who met the Belarusian Foreign and Defense Ministers, and personally Alexander Lukashenko. On March 4, the Belarusian Ministry of Defense held consultations with the NATO delegation on participation in the planning and assessment of forces within the “Partnership for Peace” program. On March 15, examination of the Belarusian Armed Forces started; combating hybrid threats was practiced among other tasks. (PDF) Andrei Porotnikov

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