Regional security from Ukraine’s perspective. A focus on NATO

In co-operation with NATO, Ukraine needs to set realistic goals and terms that would not cause unnecessary frustration and misunderstanding. Surely, it would be the right step for NATO leaders to send a strong signal to Ukraine that the prospect of membership is still valid. But even if we do not get a membership action plan this year, the best response would be not frustration, but the redoubling of our efforts to meet the membership criteria. (PDF) Maksym Khylko

Rethinking the De-Occupation Policy of Ukraine

Summary of the research findings “Rethinking the de-occupation policy of Ukraine in the framework of Russia’s hybrid war against Ukraine”. The goal of this study is to outline the views of the interested actors on the de-occupation process, to analyze the motives and interests of Ukraine, Russia, and other international players; to study relevant cases of de-occupation, to analyze previous analytical findings on this issue and offer recommendations for a new policy of de-occupation of the Ukrainian territories occupied by Russia. (PDF)

Переосмислення деокупаційної політики України. Аналітична доповідь

Аналізуються національні інтереси України в контексті політики деокупації, існуюча нормативно-правова база та нинішній стан деокупаційної політики; мотивації Росії, пріоритети інших міжнародних акторів, релевантні уроки міжнародного досвіду. Переосмислено наративи та запропоновано дороговкази формування нової деокупаційної політики України. (PDF)

Belarus: National Security and Defence (August 2020)

The existing system of power in Belarus does not meet the expectations of the society, but the regime is not showing readiness for transformation. This means that the conflict with varying degrees of intensity will continue until the complete dismantle of the ruling regime. (PDF) Andrei Porotnikov

Belarus: National Security and Defence (December 2019)

Belarus adopted the new State Defence Plan and the Concept for the Development of the Armed Forces until 2030. Tensions with Russia over oil supplies to Belarus and other issues continue. (PDF) Andrei Porotnikov

Russian Black Sea Fleet Presence in Ukraine through the Lens of Human Rights Protection

Legal provisions regulating the Russian Black Sea Fleet military presence in Ukraine are analyzed in the article through the lens of human rights protection. (PDF) Oleksandr Tytarchuk, Maksym Khylko

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