International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights and “Grey” Zones of its Application in the OSCE Area

Food for thought paper delivered by Oleksandr Tytarchuk on behalf of the East European Security Research Initiative Foundation at the OSCE Human Dimension Implementation Meeting, held in Warsaw, Poland, on September 20, 2016. (PDF) Oleksandr Tytarchuk

The EU-Ukraine Association Agreement and its Impact on East European Security and Stability

Food for thought paper delivered by Oleksandr Tytarchuk on behalf of the East European Security Research Initiative Foundation at the Concluding Meeting of the 24th OSCE Economic and Environmental Forum, held in Prague, Czech Republic, on September 15, 2016. (PDF) Oleksandr Tytarchuk

Human Security Dimension across the Frozen Conflicts in the Post-Soviet Space

An analysis of the serious problems arising from the so-called frozen conflicts in the post-soviet region forms the basis of this policy paper with particular reference to human security in South Ossetia, Abkhazia, Nagorno-Karabakh and Transnistria. Despite many similarities among them, the entities are not entirely homogeneous and since the conflicts vary in severity and scope, an individualized approach is required in the provision of much needed human security in each. (PDF) Grazvydas Jasutis

CSBMs in Handling Current Protracted Conflicts: The Transdniestrian Case

thumbnail of 2016-07 CSBMs in Protracted Conflicts – OSCE Network – Tytarchuk EESRI-PC-ENG

Presentation delivered by Oleksandr Tytarchuk on behalf of the EESRI Foundation at the Workshop “Protracted Conflicts in the OSCE Region: Innovative Approaches for Co-operation in the Conflict Zones,” held by the OSCE Network of Think Tanks and Academic Institutions, in Vienna, Austria, on July 4, 2016. (PDF) Oleksandr Tytarchuk

NATO, the EU and the OSCE in the Handling of the Russia-Ukraine Conflict: Competitive Synergy or “Freezing” Crisis Management?

The article offers a general perspective on the involvement of NATO, the EU and the OSCE in the handling of the Russia–Ukraine conflict in terms of interim lessons learned and best practices for exerting international efforts to bring peace and security in the region amid the ongoing deep European security crisis. (PDF) Oleksandr Tytarchuk, Maksym Khylko

После апрельских боев в Карабахе, в Армении усиливается недоверие к России

thumbnail of 2016-05 Karabakh – Armenia’s Distrust in Russia Growing – EESRI-C-RUS

Приведшие к значительным жертвам боевые действия на линии разделения сторон в Карабахе, произошедшие со 2-го по 5-е апреля и названные «четырехдневной войной», подчеркнули необходимость возобновления интенсивных переговоров при международном посредничестве. (PDF) Армен Григорян

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