Armenia-Iran vs. Azerbaijan-Israel: Where is Russia?

The South Caucasus region has been seeing polarization as Armenia-Iran vs. Azerbaijan-Israel. The visits by Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu to Baku, Azerbaijan, and Iranian President Hassan Rouhani to Yerevan, Armenia in December, 2016 are indicative of the polarization. Where is Russia, the elephant in the room? What are the implications of the polarization for Russia? (PDF) Rahim Rahimov

Armenia and Russia Pursue Joint Military Forces

The Russo-Armenian agreement on establishing a joint military unit, which will include troops of the 102nd Russian military base stationed near Yerevan as well as the 4th Corps of the Armenian Army, predictably caused anxiety in Azerbaijan and Georgia. While a potential deterioration of relations with Georgia would undermine Armenia’s national interests, the government in Yerevan appears willing to make this sacrifice in the name of regime reproduction and survival. (PDF) Armen Grigoryan

Constant External Irritation Nourishing Problems From Within – a Part of Russia’s Hybrid Peace Scenario for the EU

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Presentation of statement delivered by Oleksandr Tytarchuk at the International Conference “Autocratical challenge for the European project – what to do and not to do,” held by the Charter’97 Foundation with support of the International Visegrad Fund, in Warsaw, on May 25, 2016. (PDF) Oleksandr Tytarchuk

После апрельских боев в Карабахе, в Армении усиливается недоверие к России

thumbnail of 2016-05 Karabakh – Armenia’s Distrust in Russia Growing – EESRI-C-RUS

Приведшие к значительным жертвам боевые действия на линии разделения сторон в Карабахе, произошедшие со 2-го по 5-е апреля и названные «четырехдневной войной», подчеркнули необходимость возобновления интенсивных переговоров при международном посредничестве. (PDF) Армен Григорян

After April Violence in Karabakh, Armenia’s Distrust in Russia Keeps Growing

thumbnail of 2016-05 Karabakh – Armenia’s Distrust in Russia Growing – EESRI-C-ENG

April deadly skirmishes along the line of conflict in Karabakh, the so-called “four-day war,” highlighted the need for a reinvigorated international mediation effort. Yerevan’s disappointment over Russia’s approach to the Karabakh conflict may explain why Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs Shavarsh Kocharyan’s suggested that the OSCE Minsk Group co-chairs should perhaps initiate a total arms embargo on all conflicting sides. (PDF) Armen Grigoryan

Словаччина після виборів: чи очікувати змін у відносинах з Україною, Росією, ЄС, НАТО?

За пропозицією EESRI Foundation, словацькі експерти прокоментували можливі зміни у зовнішній політиці Словаччини, зокрема щодо Вишеградської групи, Східного партнерства, Європейського Союзу, НАТО, України та Росії. (PDF) Душан Фішер, Сюзана Новакова, Йозеф Уліан, Марек Ленч, Самюель Года, Крістіна Бокова

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