Belarus: National Security and Defence (August 2020)

The existing system of power in Belarus does not meet the expectations of the society, but the regime is not showing readiness for transformation. This means that the conflict with varying degrees of intensity will continue until the complete dismantle of the ruling regime. (PDF) Andrei Porotnikov

Belarus: National Security and Defence (December 2019)

Belarus adopted the new State Defence Plan and the Concept for the Development of the Armed Forces until 2030. Tensions with Russia over oil supplies to Belarus and other issues continue. (PDF) Andrei Porotnikov

Belarus: National Security and Defence (May 2019)

About 30 contracts for the supply of military products worth about $200 million were concluded during the “Milex-2019” exhibition of weapons and military equipment in Minsk. Belarus develops security and defence cooperation with Uzbekistan, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, and China. (PDF) Andrei Porotnikov

Belarus: National Security and Defence (February 2019)

Minsk tries to adhere to a line of non-involvement in the confrontation between Russia and the West. Belarus persistently promotes its own representative to the post of CSTO Secretary General. Belarusian-Serbian military cooperation tends to expand. (PDF) Andrei Porotnikov

Положение в области национальной безопасности и обороны Беларуси: февраль 2019

Минск продолжает придерживаться линии на невовлечение в противостояние России и Запада. Беларусь упорно продвигает собственного представителя на пост Генсека ОДКБ, что важно в том числе и с учетом осложнений в беларуско-российских политических отношениях. Расширяется сотрудничество между военными ведомствами Беларуси и Сербии. (PDF) Андрей Поротников

Human Dimension and Security Sector Reform in Slovakia: Mission (In)complete?

Security nowadays has a social dimension, which requires the involvement of all elements of security in such manner as we did not know in the time of the Cold War. Meeting the new security requirements therefore requires fundamental reform of national structures, financing models and management systems. (PDF) Samuel Goda

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