Безпека людини в контексті реформування безпекового сектору країн Східної Європи

«Питання безпеки людини в контексті реформування безпекового сектору країн Східної Європи» Міжнародний круглий стіл, м. Київ, 8 червня 2017 р.   Міжнародний круглий стіл «Питання безпеки людини в контексті реформування безпекового сектору країн Східної Європи» було проведено 8 червня 2017 р. у м. Києві Благодійним Фондом «Ініціатива з дослідження східноєвропейської безпеки» у партнерстві із Представництвом Фонду ім. Фрідріха Еберта в Україні.

Dodon’s visit to Transnistria: Russian-Backed Model for Protracted Conflicts Settlement?

It is highly unlikely that Russia will allow Transnistria again back into Moldova even if the latter accepts closer cooperation with Russia and/or integration with Russia-led organizations. However, Dodon’s policy towards Transnistria could be considered in Moscow as a favourable model for other protracted conflicts settlement. (PDF) Rusif Huseynov

Human Security Dimension across the Frozen Conflicts in the Post-Soviet Space

An analysis of the serious problems arising from the so-called frozen conflicts in the post-soviet region forms the basis of this policy paper with particular reference to human security in South Ossetia, Abkhazia, Nagorno-Karabakh and Transnistria. Despite many similarities among them, the entities are not entirely homogeneous and since the conflicts vary in severity and scope, an individualized approach is required in the provision of much needed human security in each. (PDF) Grazvydas Jasutis

CSBMs in Handling Current Protracted Conflicts: The Transdniestrian Case

thumbnail of 2016-07 CSBMs in Protracted Conflicts – OSCE Network – Tytarchuk EESRI-PC-ENG

Presentation delivered by Oleksandr Tytarchuk on behalf of the EESRI Foundation at the Workshop “Protracted Conflicts in the OSCE Region: Innovative Approaches for Co-operation in the Conflict Zones,” held by the OSCE Network of Think Tanks and Academic Institutions, in Vienna, Austria, on July 4, 2016. (PDF) Oleksandr Tytarchuk

Ukraine and Moldova Initiatives On Transnistria

thumbnail of 2015-09 Ukraine and Moldova initiatives on Transnistria C-ENG

At the request of the East European Security Research Initiative, Moldovan experts commented on the practical implications of Kyiv decision of May 2015 to ban transit of Russian troops; prospects for the Ukrainian initiative to replace Russian peacekeepers in Transnistria with the international mission, and perspectives of the Chisinau initiative to adopt a reintegration timetable for Transnistria. (PDF) Alexandru Postica, Mihai Popșoi, Chisinau

Is Moldova moving towards or away from conflict resolution?

thumbnail of 2015-06 ARW-Bratislava Popsoi-Moldova ENG

Presentation of statement delivered by Mr. Mihai Popsoi (Foreign Policy Association of Moldova) at the Advanced Research Workshop “Best Practices and Lessons Learned in Conflict Management: NATO, OSCE, EU and Civil Society.” Panel III. Space for broader engagement of partner countries in CR/M. Bratislava, Slovak Republic, 9 June 2015. (PDF) Mihai Popsoi

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