Belarus: National Security and Defence (July 2018)

Military parade in Minsk; “Aviadarts-2018”; plans of Belarus Defence Ministry to establish an IT company; meeting of the Belarus-China Coordination Committee for Cooperation in the Field of Arms and Military Equipment; Turkish-made operational-tactical missile complex “KHAN” on the Belarusian MZKT chassis. (PDF) Andrei Porotnikov

Положение в области национальной безопасности и обороны Беларуси: июль 2018 г.

Военный парад в Минске; «Авиадартс-2018»; планы Министерства обороны Беларуси создать роту информационных технологий; заседание беларуско-китайского координационного комитета по сотрудничеству в области вооружений; турецкий оперативно-тактический ракетный комплекс «KHAN» на беларуском шасси. (PDF) Андрей Поротников

Конфронтационная политика превратила Россию из союзника в угрозу для Армении

thumbnail of 2016-02 Russia From an Ally to a Threat for Armenia EESRI-C-RUS

Зависимость Армении от России стала не только источником дефицита демократии, экономического и демографического спада, но и угрозой безопасности в условиях роста региональных рисков. Сохраняется риск вовлечения Армении в конфронтацию между РФ и Турцией. (PDF) Армен Григорян

Moscow’s Confrontational Policy Turns Russia From an Ally to a Threat for Armenia

thumbnail of 2016-02 Russia From an Ally to a Threat for Armenia EESRI-C-ENG

Armenia’s strong dependence on Russia has now become not only a source of democratic deficit as well as of economic and demographic problems, but also a security threat for Armenia, as regional security risks continue to grow, and Yerevan may be dragged directly into the Russo-Turkish confrontation. (PDF) Armen Grigoryan

Turkey-Armenia Relations after Turkey’s Elections

thumbnail of 2015-06 Turkey-Armenia Relations after Turkey’s Elections EESRI-C-ENG

The outcome of Turkey’s recent parliamentary elections may partly reduce tensions in relations with Armenia, stopping the mounting hostile rhetoric of recent months. A normalization of bilateral relations should not be expected at this stage, but the trend of increasing cooperation in the humanitarian area, and in culture, tourism, and the media in recent years will likely continue. At the same time, some policies may need to be reassessed in consideration of regional security risks. (PDF) Armen Grigoryan

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